Published on: 20 March 2015

The Pre-Primary classes visited the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition as part of their Art program recently. The boys, their teachers and parents toured the exhibition in small groups, contemplating the sculptural creations on show.

Art specialist teacher Abi Callow said the big hits with boys were the bright, red flamingos lined up on the water’s edge, 1000 pinwheels whizzing around on high poles and two high houses on long stilts.

Mrs Callow said the boys learnt about different types of sculptures, what they were made from and used their imagination to describe the artworks. “The boys behaved beautifully on the excursion. They listened carefully and had lots of fun seeing all the different sculptures,” she said.

The boys had some creative ideas about the artworks. “Looking at Brad Jackson’s Wanderers Conventus sculpture, the boys thought it looked like a family of strange creatures walking around, with a baby stuck in the sand. They also came up with many imaginative ideas about what they could be looking for.”