“When you get to the top of your game you find yourself in rooms with others at the top of their game. It’s then the soft skills you acquire that makes you stand out, and Christ Church develops those skills” – David Jewkes (99).

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Building on our academic and sporting success, PERFORM will provide boys with opportunities to enhance their soft skills. Activities such as debating, public speaking, performing, presenting and the House Arts competition will set the boys up for success and provide them with the lifelong skills that employers are seeking.

PERFORM will be a place where creativity is celebrated and fostered through music, drama, dance and oration.
It will be a home for teaching and learning of performance, well-being and ethics – a dedicated place to building the inner man.

PERFORM advances our vision to embrace the evolution of education and confirms our commitment to excellence.
By placing a value on the creative arts, we are positioning ourselves as a leading and forward-thinking educator of well-rounded boys.

The site offers significant elevated views to Freshwater Bay and the Swan River. These sweeping views provide stunning backdrops to the auditorium stage,  and the orchestra rehearsal room.

This is a bold and ambitious project

The PERFORM project will cost $40m and the School is funding $20m through foundation and bank loans. We have launched a $20M philanthropic capital campaign to raise money through the generosity of the Christ Church community.

If you would like to have a confidential conversation about making a gift to PERFORM, please contact Alan Jones or Halina Dorward, Director of Advancement at: or call 9442 1542.

“The grounds and facilities that we enjoy today are here thanks to the generosity of those who came before us. With your support, we can provide all-round excellent facilities for current and future generations to enjoy.” – Paul Johnson, Chair of School Council.

Christ Church Grammar School Principal Alan Jones introduces PERFORM.

Key considerations

  • To deliver a Performing Arts precinct that meets the current and future needs of Christ Church Grammar School
  • Maximise the use of spaces, ensuring practical and effective multi-functionality
  • A well-integrated addition to the Campus, that consolidates the masterplan
  • Consideration to indigenous values
  • Is sympathetic to and respects the design and character of the Chapel
  • Significant elevated views to Freshwater Bay and the Swan River

Project Inclusions

  • 470 seat auditorium
  • Full stage
  • Black box theatre with 148 seats for drama and dance with bio box
  • Orchestra rehearsal room
  • Ensemble rehearsal room
  • Recording control room
  • 1 classroom
  • Staff offices with ten desks
  • Green room
  • Dressing rooms
  • 13 music practice rooms
  • Percussion studio
  • Instrument storeroom
  • Piano storeroom
  • Workshop
  • Resource centre
  • Music tech lab
  • Views over the Swan River
  • The design respectfully sits next to the Chapel

Commencement in mid-2024


Careful consideration of the building orientation on the site promotes good solar passive design principles of sun control, access to natural light and ventilation. Deeply set glazing in northern-facing facades and integrated solar shading assist in controlling heat load and light levels – important considerations in learning environments. Mixed mode ventilation strategies are also employed to all teaching spaces. Higher rates of fresh air supply and change-over to internal spaces has also been adopted for the mechanical services design in response to Covid-19, improving user health and wellbeing.

The building will be provided with a photovoltaic cell array to the roof, further expanding the already extensive green energy generation on the Campus. Energy efficiency will be a key feature of the services design to the new facility, including lighting technology and control, and high efficiency mechanical systems, all monitored and managed via a designated Building Management System (BMS).


Architecture’s visual appearance is an important aspect of a design’s success. The symbolic function of PERFORM has been carefully considered and the architectural style and language have been composed to give PERFORM an identifiable, distinctive appearance, but to not dominate the Chapel and neighbouring buildings.

The interior finish and refined detailing adopt a similar restraint, while the selection of timber lining and blue carpet within the auditorium is a deliberate reference to the interior character of the Chapel.

PERFORM’s architectural character is intentionally restrained so that the new building strikes a harmonious relationship with the neighbouring buildings.

Indigenous Consultation

Indigenous consultation and recommendations have been considered with regards to legislation, impact of the proposed works upon Aboriginal heritage. Further consultation will be sought from SWALSC and the Whadjuk People Agreement Group regarding recognising and celebrating the significance of the land and its surrounds to the Whadjuk people as part of the Proposed Works.


Views across the escarpment’s bush-scape to the river are a major feature of the site. The escarpment’s landscape will be improved by removing non-native planting and weeds. The local tree and plant species will be extended to the northern side of the PERFORM development to improve the overall landscape setting. The campus masterplan continues the introduction of more native planting throughout the campus that begins with PERFORM and continues with future developments.

The hard landscaping to the court, entry path, and retaining steps between PERFORM and the Chapel will be quality paving and in-situ concrete. Discrete lighting, for mood and way-finding, will be carefully integrated, and catenary lighting extended over the court is under consideration.


  1. May 2022 – Town of Claremont Application lodged
  2. April 2024 – Construction Tender
  3. Mid 2024 – Construction phase
  4. February 2026 – Anticipated construction completion

Artist Impressions