Published on: 23 August 2018

It’s been a week of celebrating Australian children’s literature with boys in our Preparatory School embracing Book Week with a fun line up of activities.

Based on the national theme Find Your Treasure, this year the Preparatory School has gone pirate themed with a treasure hunt opening the week’s activities.

“The treasure was a book hidden in each classroom with cryptic clues provided to help lead the boys. Once found, the book became the latest addition to their class library,” says Teacher Librarian, Kate Marshall.

“Schools, libraries, booksellers, authors, illustrators and children celebrate Australian children’s literature at this time each year, and you will often see children’s book character parades and librarians creating amazing activities and displays.”

“Other activities this week have included lunchtime sessions in the library and a Book Week morning tea for staff.”

“Yesterday we had two teams of boys head across to Methodist Ladies’ College to compete against teams from MLC, St Hilda’s and Scotch College in the Reader’s Challenge. The Challenge takes the form of a quiz testing students’ knowledge of books in the running for this year’s Children’s Book Council’s Book of the Year Awards.”

“There is quite a lot of preparation involved as the boys have to know the books well. There were some tough questions this year and both teams did us proud, with Team Orange coming second.”

“Well done to Alex Molyneux, Max Pearse and Euan Strachan from Team Orange, and Jacob Moffet, Anurag Barua and Nathan Wong from Team Turquoise.”

“The highlight of the week however, as with every year, is the Friday Book Week Assembly where all boys and teachers come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and parade their costumes. We are certainly looking forward to it.”

To see all of tomorrow’s costumes, follow Christ Church Grammar School’s Facebook page for the latest school updates.