Published on: 21 March 2019

Class PPMW welcomed several parents last Friday to join in fun activities which revolved around two big questions; what do you like to do with your family, and do you have any family traditions?

These are the questions the class has been exploring as part of their History inquiry about families. Activities during the session included origami making and Japanese storytelling, a cooking demonstration, sewing a family tree, talking tub and creating a floorbook.

“Each family has brought in a family photo and the boys have discussed the different members within their families,” says Pre-Primary Teacher, Ms Misty Waters.

“We discussed how families come in different shapes and sizes. Some families are small and some are big. The boys then shared the different countries they were born in and the many different places their parents and grandparents originate from.”

“They were amazed at how many different places resulted as part of their exploration.”

Class PPMW parent Mrs Sasaki who assisted with origami making and storytelling said, “I enjoyed the time together with these boys and the lovely atmosphere within the classroom.”