Published on: 24 March 2016

The Prep School’s Vertical House Group (VHG) lunchtime challenge is well underway following Monday’s Year 6 Wrap, which saw Giles take out the inaugural competition.

The boys were challenged to wrap a team member as neatly as possible in three minutes. Representing the Houses were Mrs Steel’s VHG (Dale), Mrs Hodges’s VHG (Forrest), Mr Griffin’s VHG (Giles) and Mrs Walsh’s VHG (Stirling).

Vertical House Groups meet once a week for 20 minutes. The boys work in small groups (approximately 11 students), with boys from Years 2 to 6 represented. They take part in practical, written and social activities with the aim being to assist them in developing bonds with boys from different age groups.

“These small, diverse group structures encourage new connections, friendships and compassion for others outside their immediate peer and year groups,” said Maria Hodges, Director of Pastoral Care, Planning and Co-curricular.

The VHG lunchtime challenge is one of the many activities the House Co-ordinators have planned for the preparatory boys this year. Challenges to look forward to include the blindfolded baked bean toothpick challenge, the blow a ping pong ball with a straw race, the dry Weet-Bix whistle challenge and the balloon between the knees relay.