Published on: 19 November 2015

The Preparatory School has enjoyed a number of fabulous assemblies this term.

In October, the Year 2 boys took to the stage where they identified the hero in all of us. The boys have been learning the PATHS program – Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies and identifying feelings and building problem solving and resilience strategies.

Their performance utilised some of the strategies while highlighting the importance of having a friend – not a Ghost Buster, Batman, Robin or Superman – simply a friend to help them become the hero they need.

Year 2 teacher, Brooke Gonnella said it reminded the boys that while they may feel anxious about transitioning to Year 3, they have problem solving strategies such as the traffic light system and their friends to assist them.

In November, the Year 5 boys performed four skits that identified what friendship looks like at different stages in life, including Year 5, life as a Year 5 teacher, when you are in your 30s and in the final stages of your life.

The boys had a great time dressing up as teachers, adults and old men and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the show. Year 5 teacher, Jasmine Jeffs said the boys worked incredibly hard creating and rehearsing for their assembly.

“It was a heart warming and realistic look at the power and necessity of good friends,” she said.

The assembly concluded with a movie of the boys having a great time with their friends. It was a beautiful finish to a very special assembly.

5JJ Assembly 2015