Published on: 30 April 2020

Transitioning from face-to-face to remote learning comes with its challenges. Fortunately, the School was well placed to respond to the changing environment towards the end of Term 1.

Through the BigBlueButton, boys continued to receive lessons online for subjects ranging from Science to Mathematics to English and Physical Education.

Looking back on the past term, School Chaplain Nicholas Russell who teaches Religious Education (RE) says one of the advantages of remote learning is that boys receive a detailed summary of their lessons for each day.

“Boys can easily access resources through Nexus or OneNote and not have to rely on the teacher or wait for a class in order to access the resources.”

“One of the main reasons teachers go into teaching is because we love interaction with students.”

“This has been possible remotely however not in the same way as it is in the classroom. It has reminded us of the importance of human relationships and re-emphasises that education succeeds in a positive relational environment.”

Liam Casson, Director of The Wynne Centre for Boys’ Health and Wellbeing commented on how the transition had brought change to the way lessons are delivered.

“In terms of our Health and Wellbeing (HWB) program it has meant having to be creative within an online context,” he said.

“For example, using the public chat feature of the BigBlueButton to enable students to share certain points and ‘breakout rooms’ to facilitate what would be small group collaborations.”

Both teachers have been impressed with how well the students adapted and how they were able to complete their activities and discuss in an online setting.