Published on: 9 October 2015

In the final week of Term 3, 220 Year 6 boys, fathers and friends came together to enjoy breakfast in the School Refectory.

Head of Preparatory School, Richard Wright welcomed the group, encouraging the boys and their guests to enjoy the special time they had together.

Following a delicious breakfast, which included an abundance of laughter, the Director of the Centre for Boys Health and Wellbeing, Liam Casson spoke to the gathering.

Liam gave an overview of the key issues our boys face, and outlined the aims of the Centre for Boys’ Health and Wellbeing.

He then gave the boys six strategies for assisting with effective transitioning through different stages of their life.

The strategies discussed were:

  1. Start to prepare
  2. Get organised
  3. Do not be afraid to try
  4. Embrace the experience
  5. Ask for help
  6. Create great habits

Liam concluded his talk with the quote, ‘Go for it now – the future is promised to no one…’

Headmaster Garth Wynne concluded the breakfast before the boys took their fathers on a tour of their classrooms and the father/friend and son class debates.