Published on: 23 May 2024

This week, the Preparatory School is abuzz with excitement as we celebrate Gifted Awareness Week. Christ Church prides itself on fostering a nurturing and challenging environment for all our students, and this week, there was a special focus on recognising and supporting our gifted learners.

One of the highlights of the week was the Year 1 and 2 Spelling Bee held at lunchtime yesterday Year 2 student Xavier Tan coming away with the win.

Throughout the week, students have been participating in a variety of engaging activities designed to stimulate their minds and challenge their abilities. Brooke Siegmann, our Co-ordinator of the Centre for Excellence – Preparatory, has been at the forefront of organising this week’s events.

“Gifted Awareness Week is a crucial time for us to acknowledge and celebrate the unique talents and abilities of our gifted students. It’s not just about recognising their intellectual capabilities but also about providing them with the opportunities to explore and expand their creative thinking in a supportive environment,” she said.

“The enthusiasm and engagement we’ve seen from our students this week have been truly inspiring. It’s a testament to their passion for learning and their desire to push boundaries. Gifted Awareness Week has given them the platform to shine and to understand that their talents are recognised and valued.”