Published on: 28 August 2015

This week, the Year 8 boys took part in a High Resolves incursion. Designed to help students understand global citizenship, the program aims to provide the motivation, capability and confidence needed to become a purposeful global citizen and/or leader.

Mr Les Goh, Head of Humanities, said the program was an interactive way for boys to learn how their choices make a difference, they can positively impact the community and they can change the world.

“The boys are growing up in an increasingly global world and the Global Citizenship Program gets boys to reflect on their own situations and start thinking about how they can make a difference in the world through collaboration and teamwork,” he said.

The boys took part in interactive games and simulations, role-playing exercises, small group discussions and student-led action projects. The boys were assisted by a number of Year 10 boys acting as leaders and supporting the Year 8 boys during group activities.

“The activities were interesting because they promoted co-operation and brain-work, as well as the communication of ideas,” said a Year 8 student.

“I learned that everyone should have access to the same basic human rights and we should all be treated equally, no matter how different we are,” commented a Year 8 student.

“Being a global citizen doesn’t always mean donating money (even though it helps). You can send microloans or participate in community services at your local council,” commented a Year 10 leader.

To find out more about the High Resolves program, click here.