Published on: 8 March 2013

Paint Storm – a dynamic performance in which artist Phil Doncon paints huge images on a 10m-wide canvas to a soundtrack – entranced Preparatory School boys last week. The experience was funded by a Parents’ Association arts grant.

Specialist art teacher Paula Boxall said the energetic painter performed two shows, one for Pre-Primary to Year 3s and another for Years 4 to 6, on Friday morning. The show, which lasted for an hour and a half, captivated boys as they watched Phil’s canvases come to life as he painted, danced and moved to a music soundtrack of various genres.

“The messages in his narratives, of resilience, positivity and harmony, really related to our social-emotional support programs,” Mrs Boxall said. “The boys were captivated. They loved Phil’s paintings and all the different music and moods he was able to convey throughout his performance.”

Some boys were able to participate in painting while Phil’s choreographed painting took place and every boy had an opportunity to get up and dance. “He really impressed the audiences with his speed and precision and his messages about being yourself and finding your strengths were perfect for the boys,” Mrs Boxall said.