Published on: 7 December 2016


CCGS was well represented at the 56th annual PSA Golf Day with our team of Neil Porter (1975), Rod Silberstein (1975), Robert Fyfe (1979), Mark Harrison (1967), Kim (Toffy) Craig (1968), David McKenzie (1969), Joe Angel (1969), Rod O’Dea (1975), Craig Williams (1974), Glyn Denison (1969), Julian Harding (1979), Seb Campbell (1996), Bernard Schortinghuis (1988) and Peter Chambers (1994).

David McKenzie hit into three bunkers consecutively on the 9th and narrowly missed shattering a bee hive when hitting out of the rough on the 10th, which sort of summed up his day!

Christ Church came second overall, with Hale School taking out the honours. It was a great day of fun rivalry and friendship, with the course in great condition and surprisingly good weather.