ICT and Media Policies

IT Communications Acceptable Use Policy

The primary purpose of the School’s IT network infrastructure is to support and enhance the learning and teaching process. Providing access to Internet-based resources is an investment in the future of both our students and staff. The School is committed to providing students and staff with the latest online services, including subscriptions to online encyclopedias, online learning systems like Atomic Learning and a content-rich Intranet based learning portal.

Christ Church Grammar School believes that electronic communication is a tool for life-long learning. We believe the responsible use of our IT infrastructure will propel the School into the information age allowing students and staff to significantly expand their knowledge by accessing and using information resources, and by analysing, collaborating and publishing information. Students and staff should use our electronic network in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. The use of our electronic resources is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for inappropriate behaviour.

Users assume responsibility for understanding the policy and guidelines as a condition of using our IT infrastructure. Staff members are accountable to teach and use IT Services responsibly. Use of these services that is inconsistent with this policy may result in loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.

Read the Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Policy here.

Information and Communications Technology Policy (students)

to view the Information and Communications Technology Policy (students), click here.

Film and Television Viewing Policy

To view the Film and Television Viewing Policy, click here.

Video Surveillance Policy

To view the Video Surveillance Policy, click here.