Published on: 25 June 2020

This week our Year 6 Captains had the opportunity to chat with Principal Alan Jones during an informal lunch in Sandover Dining Hall.

The lunch was an opportunity for the boys to reflect on their leadership roles, discuss what they had learnt about themselves and their experiences to date.

Year 6 House Captain Henry Stokes commented that he had learnt the values of responsibility through his commitment to weekly meetings and that being a captain was an opportunity to demonstrate his dedication to the School.

“Before I was a captain I would normally miss meetings and not listen, but now I think I’m much better at getting to meetings and demonstrating responsibility,” says Henry.

“The boys are an exceptional group of young leaders who lead by example,” said Head of Preparatory School, Dr. Steven Males.

“They serve as great role models to their peers and exemplify what it means to be a Christ Church boy.”

“Not only do these leadership roles enable the boys to demonstrate the importance of helping their younger peers, it ultimately helps with their transition into the Senior School.”

During Year 6, boys can nominate to become either a School, House or Class Captain, or Monitor. The nominations follow a voting process from which captains are appointed for the duration of one term.