Published on: 25 July 2019

Six of the School’s Army Cadets, supported by three Christ Church Cadet instructors, completed a nine day Senior Leadership Course at Irwin Barracks during the holiday break.

The cadets undertook intensive training in delivering instruction, leadership, personnel management, drill and field craft to prepare for promotion to Cadet Sergeant.

“The course taught us innovative ways to approach teamwork and gave us a chance to practice these skills in a field and barracks environment,” explains Year 11 Cadet Corporal, David Jones.

“Challenges on the course included learning complicated theory behind logistics and leadership. It was amazing to see a group of 83 cadets work together to achieve a 100% pass rate.”

“At the conclusion of the course every cadet could confidently say they had 82 new friends.”

Co-ordinator of Army Cadets Major Duane Nurse said, “The cadets dedicated a week of their holidays to learn leadership, resilience, personnel management, planning and effective communication.”

“In addition to the success of the training, Cadet Under Officer Edward Elias was selected to take over the role of Regional Cadet Under Officer, making him the most senior cadet in Western Australia.”

“These leadership skills are applicable to all aspects of life, not just within cadets. It is the reason why cadets are so successful in leadership positions within and outside the School.”