Published on: 15 June 2022

Twenty students delivered impressive speeches in the Chapel on Tuesday morning as our Years 5 and 6 students participated in the Speakers’ Challenge Competition.

This annual competition gives Years 5 and 6 boys the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills as they focus on voice projection, pace, expression and suitability of content for a specific audience.

A wide range of topics were explored, these included:

  • Hair
  • Do You Want to be Famous?
  • Why We See Ghosts
  • Implications of War
  • What If You Travelled One Billion Years in the Future?

Event Coordinator, Ms Joanna Morrison Mayo said, “At Christ Church we place a great emphasis on developing the boys’ public speaking and presentation skills in the Preparatory School. The boys participate in several programs throughout the year designed to build their confidence and skill in speaking and presentations across all year levels.”

“The skills developed through the boys’ participation in the Speakers’ Challenge prepares them for life in the Senior School, and the speaking they will do in the House Arts, Debating and Public Speaking competitions.”

“All the boys gave their very best and we are proud of all their efforts.”

Congratulations to the following winners:

Year 5 winners

Gideon van Niekerk (Body Language)
Vivek Raja (The War Between Me and My Brother)
Reserve – Charlie Bruce (The Magnificent Moon)

Year 6 winners

Harrison Camacho (Spiders)
Aaryan Lathia (Auto Correct Can Ruin Your Life)
Reserve – Connor Chin (English Language)

The winners of the Speakers’ Challenge Competition from Christ Church will compete at the Senior IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge Competition in Term 3 against students from other schools.