Published on: 14 August 2015

On Wednesday 12 August, Christ Church’s outdoor family came indoors to prepare some Year 12 students for an upcoming assignment.

Mr Trevor Scott (CCGS Grounds Manager) visited Ms Alison Gould’s Year 12 Mathematics class, to assist with their extended piece of work, a project on reticulation, water collection and storage to accommodate Perth’s dry summers.

Mr Scott brought many reticulation items into the classroom to support his presentation:

  • A 10 litre bucket for calculating the flow rates of the water source
  • Reticulation pop up nozzles with quarter, semi and full circle outputs
  • Gear driven nozzles and solenoids
  • Control panels – even one that is operated via a downloadable phone app
  • Scale drawings of the reticulation plans for the new CCGS chapel forecourt
  • Electronic cabling that leads to the various stations and other items of interest

Once Mr Scott had outlined the different uses, spraying area and output of the various components, the boys visited a local house to investigate a recently installed reticulation system.

They ‘stepped out’ the physical area with strides approximating a metre long, and decided how many nozzles they would need to install. The cost and environmental implications of overwatering were discussed, as well as the cost and repercussions of under watering.

All the boys were very appreciative of Mr Scott’s time and expertise. They thoroughly enjoyed having a practical component to complement the completion of their project.