Published on: 9 September 2016

In recognition of Homelessness Week and to raise awareness of those less fortunate, the Senior School recently held The Principal’s Food Drive.

On any given night in Australia 1 in 200 people are homeless, many of these are children 12 years and younger.

There are currently more than 10 000 people experiencing homelessness in Western Australia; 1819 are aged between 25 and 34 years and 1493 are 12 years and under.

Service Prefect James Borshoff launched Homelessness Week at assembly in Week 7 and in just one week, the boys have contributed over 3500 items to be sorted into 442 food packs.

Principal Alan Jones thanked the Christ Church community for their generosity, challenging the boys to continue to make a positive difference in our world.

“Thank you to the students and staff involved in this very meaningful project, especially the PMC boys who will pack and distribute these items to those in need,” said Principal Alan Jones.

“We are continually striving to educate our boys about the world around them, encouraging them to see past their experiences by providing opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life.”

To find out more about service and leadership at Christ Church, click here.