Published on: 31 July 2015

This week senior school boys, mothers, fathers and guardians had the opportunity to meet one of the world’s leading authorities on the trajectory of modern man.

Dr Michael Kimmel is Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Stony Brook University and the bestselling author of Guyland: the Perilous World Where Boys Become Men.

Following interviews with 400 men aged between 16 and 26, the book explores the concept that the youth of today are ‘socially rudderless’, creating a trend whereby young men delay adulthood.

Dr Kimmel urged the Year 10, 11 and 12 boys to have conversations about what makes a good man, and how being a good man differs from being masculine.

The boys explored these ideas in workshops, identifying the difference between being inside or outside the ‘male box’ and the set of rules boys and men create to ensure their individual masculinity is not questioned.

On Tuesday night, more than 100 mothers and guardians attended Dr Kimmel’s talk, ‘How do I help my son have a healthy attitude towards women?’ On Thursday, fathers and guardians were invited to hear him speak on ‘How to talk to sons about becoming men’.

Dr Kimmel’s visit was made possible thanks to the Christ Church Parents’ Association.