Published on: 12 October 2017

I trust everyone has had an enjoyable few weeks through the change of season and are ready for the challenges ahead in what is always a very busy term. I particularly wish to acknowledge our Year 12 students who face their final few weeks of school life and all that it entails. It is an exciting time for the boys as they now take their experience of a wonderful education and look towards the future.

This fabulous spring weather is perfect for getting the boys walking to school, particularly as there is a clear correlation between this activity and the health and wellbeing of our boys. Fitness is also known to improve academic performance so please consider introducing walking and riding into your morning and afternoon regime as much as possible. During the break progress has been made on installing a crosswalk on Queenslea Drive. The crosswalk will soon be completed and provide all students and members of the community with a safe way to cross the road at busy times in a safe manner.

Mental Health Week WA runs from 7 to 14 October this year. Liam Casson, Director of The Wynne Centre for Boys’ Health and Wellbeing, works directly with all boys to raise awareness of the proactive and preventative approaches they can take to increase their own and others mental health. Our curriculum provides the boys with outstanding opportunities in academia, art, music, drama, outdoor education, sport, cultural tours, service and so much more, to ensure they develop emotional and social wellbeing, character and the capacity to cope with change and challenges. A TED talk I recently enjoyed by psychologist Guy Winch titled Why we all need to practice emotional first aid discusses the favouritism we show towards physical health but not our mental or psychological health.

This year I have spoken on numerous occasions about our current journey as the first school in Western Australia to seek membership of the Council of International Schools (CIS). Two months ago, we successfully completed the Preparatory Evaluation, receiving extremely encouraging feedback from the review committee. The next step is the CIS Community Survey.  Cognisant that many members of our community have recently participated in the MMG survey, I will now be reaching out to parents and guardians of cohorts not surveyed by MMG, to assist with this survey. The CIS survey is significantly shorter in length, containing statements aligned to the CIS accreditation standards, and has been designed by a team of international school experts and researchers. I will be providing more information on the survey in the coming weeks.

Alan Jones