Published on: 22 June 2017

It was a wonderful performance by the Jazz bands at The Ellington Jazz Club on Tuesday evening. Led by Mr Paul Millard, 50 of our jazz students embraced the venue’s mood and entertained a captivated full house.

Jonathan Doyle, author of Bridging the Gap, visited the School today and spoke to Years 10, 11 and 12 boys about how to be extraordinary men. Jonathan’s personality and direct presentation style engaged with each cohort as he challenged boys to make the most of their lives. He spoke candidly about the nature of one’s identity and specified areas that men need to work on to ensure a transition to manhood. Jonathan left the boys with insights and strategies to consider, also identifying the significance of individual choice in how they will be defined moving forward in their lives. The final week of term is shaping up to be another busy ‘normal’ week in the life of a Christ Church boy; sporting fixtures for Firsts teams on Thursday; academic assessments and importantly for Year 10 boys, the parent-teacher-student interviews next Monday.

As we conclude Semester 1, it is always important to reflect on what has been achieved. To that end, I encourage all families to take the time and review student reports when they arrive in the first week of the holidays. The report outcomes should be considered in light of the goals set earlier in the year and adjustments and new plans put in place for Semester 2.

I wish all families a restful, relaxing and enjoyable holiday period.

Mark Morrissy
Acting Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School