Published on: 19 July 2013

Wolsey House, the Preparatory School and Year 7 boys filled about 300 orange bags with clothing and blankets for Anglicare last term. Wolsey co-ordinated the collection as part of its ongoing commitment to its house charity.

Wolsey tutor Nicole Xouris said Wolsey boys, Prep School families and Year 7 students were asked to donate goods to be sold at Anglicare op shops. Ms Xouris said the Prep School had participated in the collection in previous years and this year the two schools had joined forces.

“Anglicare is also the Year 4 cohort’s charity and the Prep boys made an excellent effort in supporting the collection,” Ms Xouris said. “All the donated items go towards raising funds for the vital services Anglicare provides within our community.”

Ms Xouris thanked Wolsey Prefects, Wolsey’s Anglicare Ambassadors and Prep House Prefects who all assisted on the collection mornings.

In Term 3, Wolsey House invites all boys and their parents or guardians to ‘sleepout’ on the Chapel lawn for Anglicare in support of Youth Homeless Week. For more information on the event, click here.