Published on: 13 June 2019

The School has welcomed seven exchange students from America and France into our Year 10 student cohort as part of Beyond Queenslea Drive (BQD). These students, who are in Perth for the remainder of this term, will immerse themselves in student life, attend classes, participate in sport and Friday afternoon Surf Cadets (SLSC) and Environment and Community (ENCOMM) activities.

These students are part of an ongoing exchange program which Christ Church has been fostering for 12 years with 18 different schools around the world. Currently there are ten Year 10 Christ Church students on exchange at schools in South Africa, Japan, United Kingdom, France and America.

“The intent of the exchange program is to provide an international experience for our students. The boys experience a unique opportunity to become part of another culture and another school community,” explains Exchange Co-ordinator Mr Neil Saggers.

“As well as gaining friends overseas, the boys gain a personal sense of growth and they develop skills and understandings in relation to their place as global citizens.”

For more information on the exchange program please visit the Tours and exchange section of our website.