Published on: 18 November 2021

On Friday 12 November three classes of Year 7 Biology students went to Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre.

They spent the morning completing three activities:

  • a flora and fauna walk around the lake looking at the wide variety of aquatic bird life
  • scooping and identifying invertebrates found in the water
  • testing the water for the temperature, pH, turbidity, oxygen content and phosphates to see the current quality of the water

The boys thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to take their Ecosystem knowledge outside of the classroom.

Science teacher Ms Christy Dangerfield said, “This excursion was such a great way for the boys to see the real life applications of what they have been learning at school. Their learning will continue next week as the students head down to the Swan River foreshore in Claremont to continue their studies.”

This excursion provides students with an understanding of their local ecosystems, how humans are impacting these ecosystems and most importantly, how they can be a part of ensuring they are maintained and conserved in the future.